
The Force of Prayer

Author unknown:

The force of prayer is an important key…

Prayer releases an energy, no matter what cycles have already started, the Spirit absorbs the ole cycle and releases the new cycle…

He puts new yetzer and visions into us when he wants to change the future…
One christian with the right yetzer (what you see in your imagination) will cancel the yetzer of a thousand (ps 91)..

When we see, we speak about it
Phil 2.12,13

When circumstances happen, listen to the desires in your heart …these desires are the desires that the Holy Spirit quickens into your life,
and do not forget how the Lord put david in the right place at the right time to buy the field that was where moses offered up Issac, and
where the temple was built…

There was an overall plan that the Lord had and He moved david to be in the right place at the right time

Do all the right things you know are to do right, and let the unknown forces of God that work around us take their positions…
