Hello friends, I just wanted to share a few thoughts. My heart goes out to ALL those affected and influenced by the wave of accusations against the ministries being named and highlighted in the media. Do I believe God is cleaning His house, yes I do. Do I believe it’s God’s will to be aired out in the media? No, I don’t! But- that is what is happening. People have been hurt (in the past) and now people are being hurt by bad reports. I am only going to say that I dont believe God is going back 20 years…
Repost: Anoint Your Face Sparks: The God-chosen leader is a “cannot” man in two ways. Firstly, like Moses and Jeremiah, he will genuinely feel and confess, “I cannot”. But on the other hand, he will know that he cannot do otherwise, it is a divine compulsion, a fire in his bones, an urge and energy not of himself. While he is on his job he may give the impression of personal strength, perhaps of efficiency, or even self-assurance, but he and God know the depth of his secret history, the overwhelming consciousness of need and dependence, the awareness of limitation,…
He Will Guide You into All Victory “Howbeit when He, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). All truth is another way of saying all victory. The Holy Spirit will never guide you into defeat! He will always guide you into victory, success, accomplishment, abundant life, soundness, happiness, and security–both in the spirit and in the natural. He’ll tell you what decisions to make in business so you won’t go broke every other month. … He’ll tell you who not to do business with so you can have peace…