
John G. Lake: Triune Salvation

John G. Lake
Triune Salvation

The real Christian is a separated man. He is separated forever unto God in all the departments of his life, and so his body and his soul and his spirit are forever committed to God. Therefore, from the day that he commits himself to God, his body is as absolutely in the hands of God as his spirit or his mind (soul). He can go to no other power for help or healing, except to God. This is what gives such tremendous force to such scriptures as this: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord” [Jer 17.5]

Such a commitment of the being to God puts one in the place, where just as God supplies health to the spirit and health to the soul, he trusts God to supply health to his body. Divine healing is the removal by the power of God of the disease that has come upon the body, but divine health is to live day by day and hour by hour in touch with God so that the life of God flows into the body, just as the life of God flows into the mind or flow into the soul.