Spiritual Warfare

Jesus Deals With Demons

Derek Prince
They Shall Expell Demons

Jesus dealing with Demons.

Jesus had been preaching in Galilee, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15). Now He had to demonstrate the superiority of His Kingdom over the kingdom of Satan. There are six important points to notice.

First, Jesus dealt with the demon, not with the man. The demon spoke out of the man, and Jesus spoke to the demon. Literally translated, what Jesus said to the demon was, “Be muzzled!”

Second, Jesus expelled the demon from the man, not the man from the synagogue.

Third, Jesus was in no way embarrassed by the interruption or disturbance. Dealing with the demon was part of His total ministry.

Fourth, the demon spoke in both singular and plural forms: “Did You come to destroy us? I know who You are. . .” (verse 24). This response is characteristic of a demon speaking for itself and on behalf of others. The demon in the man in Gadara used the same form of speech: “My name is Legion; for we are many” (Mark 5:9).

Fifth, it is reasonable to assume that the man was a regular member of the synagogue, but apparently no one knew he needed deliverance from a demon. Perhaps even the man himself did not know. The anointing of the Holy Spirit on Jesus forced the demon out into the open.

Sixth, it was this dramatic confrontation with a demon in the synagogue that launched Jesus into His public ministry. He became known to His fellow Jews first and foremost as the Man with unique authority over demons.