Shared: Father, I thank you that your word says that you are not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 peter 3:9 So father, thank you that Jesus is the propitiation for all the sins of the world. 1 john 2:2 Than you Father that you have already made the payment. It’s done. It’s not you that we are waiting on But now, ___, for whatever reason , has not received what you have already done… (2 Cor 4:4)So, In the name of Jesus I declare that “Satan your blindness, whatever you are doing…
Faith in the devil Right now, some Christians are almost ready to say that they are done with sickness and disease. They are finished walking under the dominion (control) of the plans and schemes of the enemy for their lives and hereby declare their freedom and deliverance from the kingdom of darkness and translation into the Kingdom of God and His ways. And, there will be some who will say to them, “You are asking for trouble. You will allow the enemy to see and target you. He’s going to mark you and take you out.” These are the ones…
Jennifer Eviaz talks briefly about deliverance from the phython spirit.