• Healing

    Kenyon: God settled the Sickness and Disease problems…

    It was the plan of the Father that every believer should know what Peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:24, “Who his own self bare our sins in his body upon the tree, that we, having died unto sins, might live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye were healed.” He wants us to know that when He laid our sins and sicknesses on Jesus and Jesus bore them away, it was to the end that sin and disease should no longer have dominion over us. He wants us to know in the second place, that sickness and disease do not…

  • Healing

    Kenyon: Sence knowledge healing…

    There are two views of healing. The most common view is that healing is not in the Redemptive work of Christ, but belongs to us if we have faith enough to claim it. This belief holds that faith is the gift of God. If God gives you faith for your healing, you will be healed. If He does not give you faith, there is no need to struggle for your healing. Your only hope is the arm of flesh. This view is superficial. It is the result of Sense Knowledge. Sense Knowledge is the knowledge of natural man that is…

  • Healing

    Acting on the Word of God for Healing

    Ptomaine Poisoning BY REV. AND MRS. GORDON LINDSAY Early in my ministry, in fact during my first revivalcampaign, which was conducted in a tent in a small city ofSouthern California, I was stricken down with what turned out tobe an almost fatal case of ptomaine poisoning. We were neverquite certain what brought about the attack, but it undoubtedlyresulted from something that I had eaten. My friends had gone somewhere for the day. It was about noon when severe pains began to seize me, and I lay down thinking that presently I would be better