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    Dear Jesus…

    Isaiah 53:3 MEV He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from him; he was despised, and we did not esteem him. Dear Jesus, I am sorry that you were despised and rejected by your own people. I am sorry that the majority did not appreciate what you were doing and show you honor. Thank you for your mercy and compassion and Thank you for putting up with everything that you put up with. Thank you for not giving up and quitting but working beyond.…

  • Rejection

    Jennifer Eivaz: On Rejection

    [Shared] On Rejection Jennifer Eivaz I believe that most prophets need deliverance from rejection at certain points in their lives. It’s more than just an attitude. It’s a spirit that has to go if your prophetic word is going to go forth from a pure place, if at all. We also need to come out of agreement with rejection so this spirit no longer has access to us in the first place. Things to watch out for: Don’t take things personal We often measure our worth through our unrealistic perceptions of being accepted or not accepted by others. In so…

  • Spiritual Warfare

    Stay Away from Shadow Work Counseling

    Stay away from: “Shadow Work Counseling” on tape @ 33: 00 min. It’s where you go back to the place where you were as a little girl and were hurt, and you tell your little self it’s going to be okay. This may feel good at certain points, but it just opens the door for more places needing to be healed. FINDING FULLFILLMENT TOGETHER when you go to a retreat and find yourself in a circle yelling at those who hurt you… you are actually unleashing demons upon these people. You are cursing them. Jesus says forgive and bless. Shadow…