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⚔️ Osborne: Your Command Honored ⚔️


Healing The Sick

Your Command Honored

Now we have God’s nature – His life, His strength, His health, His glory, His power.

We have it now.

What a revolution would take place if Christians believed those things and began to talk like that, live like that, and act like that.  Yet that is exactly what the heart of God our heavenly Father yearns for.

See yourself as a believer in a sick room where sickness had almost seized the life of a loved one: You are bold.  You are a master, and you know it.  You boldly confess:

“Greater is He that is in me than this disease that is stealing my loved one.”

You command that disease to leave; you speak in the name of Jesus and order Satan to release his hold.

You calmly order that loved one to arise and be made whole.  The sick one is healed.

What made the difference?  You knew your position, your authority, and your rights.

Satan had to honor your command, and God confirmed His word.

Take Colossians 1:13-14 for another example:

Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.

That would mean that Satan’s dominion ended and Jesus’ dominion began.  Satan’s dominion was broken over your life the very moment you were born again.  You received a new Lord to reign over your life Jesus Christ.