Sj: Go Do It…

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Sj: Go Do It…

Post by adminpc »

Do you want to know how to find your own voice? I can tell you. I am an expert at looking for my own voice. It's easy, pick up a pen and start writing. Yes. Practice.

Pastor Kenneth Hagin said. "Dare to Do?" See, that's the first step. Get to it. And yes, I am an expert at it. This small post is proof!

"Proof," you say, "Show me your books."
I can't show you my books.
"Why not?" you ask. "How can you be an expert if you have no books?
Well, I didnt say I don't have any books, I said, "I can't show you my books!". My books are in the Lord's library right now. I have written book after book on things He has told me. So i have a book of "Words." I also have a book of "Dreams" He has given me. I have a book (or had a book) on some of the fears I've written down, but personally, I think it might have been banned from Heaven. Go God go! Burn those books!

And then there are many other books. Books on things I have found interesting, books on my struggles, my hopes and dreams... I think Heaven finds them very entertaining...

So, what am I saying?
I'm saying, pick up your pen and write. Dont worry about someone writing better than you, or that there are thousands of books out there. If God has called you to write - then write what He shows you. Everyday people are reading 'something' and the more
'something' from the kingdom of God, the better.
Got it? good!
Go write.
Go for it!

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