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Post by adminpc »

In Abram’s society, when two families made covenant together, they gave to one another everything they had and all they represented.
They were no longer two, but one.

Families bound themselves together in blood agreements
in order to fill in the gaps created by each other’s
weaknesses and needs. Where the first tribe was
strong, the second was weak. Where the second
tribe was strong, the first was weak. Together,
they were both strong.

These two families drew up the terms of their agreement and discussed them until each article was fully and mutually agreeable. Then they chose representatives and a place to cut the covenant.

As they prepared for the solemn ceremony, at least three large animals were sacrificed. Their carcasses were split down the spine, and the
halves were placed on the ground opposite each other. The result was a trail of blood between the halves. This path was called “the way of blood.”

When the covenant ceremony began, the two representatives exchanged their coats. This signified the mutual exchange of authority.
By this act the covenant representatives were saying, "All that I do, all that I have is now yours.”

Next the covenant representatives exchanged their weapons. Through this they were saying, “My strength is now your strength. Your enemies
are now my enemies.” After the coats and weapons were exchanged, then came the walk of blood. Twice the representatives walked through “the way of blood,” stopping in the center. There they pronounced their pledges of loyalty, making promises to each other that could never be broken. This pronouncement was called “the blessing of the covenant.”

A curse was also pronounced. The curse was the penalty for breaking the terms of the agreement. They swore by their god, thereby making him third party to the covenant. Next came the cut of the covenant.

The representatives cut their hands and wrists and bound their wrists together so that their blood would intermingle. After their loyalty was sworn to each other, the families joined their names together as a permanent sign that they had become one. Finally, they ate a covenant meal of bread and wine together.

The bread signified their flesh, and the wine signi-
fied their blood. The covenant meal represented
their willingness and commitment to lay down
their lives for each other.

Such blood agreements were very serious in Abram’s day. That is why God chose to make a covenant with him. He wanted to convince
Abram that His promises were true. He wanted him to understand that the great El Shaddai desired an unbreakable relationship with him and
with his children after him. God wanted Abram to know (without a doubt) that He loved him and that He would care for him, not because He had to, but because He wanted to. By making blood covenant with him, Almighty God proved that He wanted to exchange His strength, His weapons and His authority with Abram. He proved that He wanted to bless man for a thousand generations.

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