Bill Winston: inferiority complex

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Bill Winston: inferiority complex

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Say No to Inferiority Complex
Bill Winston writes:

“INFERIORITY IMAGE: The basic belief Satan tries to instill in all people, especially God’s children, is a mindset or image of inferiority, which is the opposite of royalty. Image inferiority causes the child of God not to see and embrace his or her true image, and it cuts God’s children off from their inheritance. A mindset or image of inferiority empowers all harmful behaviors and beliefs that follow in its terrible path. To suffer from an inferiority image simply means you feel lower in status, lesser in value, lagging in provision and protection. Psychologists often use the phrase inferiority complex—personal feelings of inadequacy or a belief that one is deficient compared to others.

It is a lie that, when believed, blocks powerful truth from working in your life. An image inferiority can look different in different people. Some hang their heads and keep their eyes low, manifesting the self-hatred Satan whispers to them. Others have the opposite reaction and try to exalt themselves or speak boastfully to cover feelings of shame or inadequacy. Some become overly sensitive to criticism, while others seem to invite criticism and accept harsh or abusive remarks because it confirms their supposed inferiority.

There is no single, obvious flaw we see in those who suffer from an inferiority image. Manifestations can take many forms. Even the great leader Moses suffered from an inferiority image. This image caused Moses to try to convince God that he was not the right person to go before Pharaoh and set his people free. “O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue,” Moses said, arguing with God based on Moses’ feeling of inferiority. God answered, “Who hath made man’s mouth?” (Exod. 4: 10–11).

In other words, God was saying,

“Don’t degrade what I have exalted. Don’t make inferior what I have made superior. I made man, and I made your mouth. I know how powerful it is and how I’m going to use it to release an entire nation from slavery.” God knows the value of everything in creation. He never sells us short of our royal image. Who made you? God did!

Many children of God today need to be set free from the bondage of an inferiority image. Just like with the children of Israel in the land of Egypt, the enemy has convinced many royal children that they are slaves though they are not. All he needs is your agreement, which is why he works hard to persuade each of us of our lowliness and lack. He whittles away at our image to get us to agree with his false claims. “Oh, this is as good as I’ll ever be,” someone might say. “I guess I’m not meant for great things. I’ll always come up short. I’m just trying to get by.” That’s devil-talk, not God-talk.

Brother, sister, you and I were born into the palace! “Ye are gods.” Our Father is the King! We are full-fledged members of the royal family, a new race of rulers on the earth. We are part of a new royal dynasty here to expose a new dimension to the world, because once they see it, they will want to be a part of it. God gives only as a King gives—the biggest and the best—and He teaches us to give that same way. We can’t submit to any thought lower than our actual status. Such ideas are beneath our attention. We must instead listen to our Mentor and Teacher, the Holy Ghost, who helps us reach our destinies. When we give the enemy ground by denying our true image, the Holy Ghost quickly says, “No, don’t talk like that. That’s not the way a king should talk.” He points us to the hundreds of places in the Bible that reveal and celebrate our royal heritage. “You are the righteousness of God, the seed of Abraham, and not inferior to anyone,” He tells us. He works constantly to get us to live above the line.”

— Revelation of Royalty: Rediscovering Your Royal Identity in Christ by Bill Winston
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