Bill Winston: Self Esteem

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Bill Winston: Self Esteem

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Self Esteem

"I came into the kingdom of God with good selfesteem (even as an unbeliever). I had been a decorated fighter pilot and a successful businessman and had other life experiences that affirmed my dignity and value. But I slowly allowed the enemy to steal that esteem."

Bill Winston
Revelation of Royalty

When I read this, I could identify with what he was saying. Before I became a Christian, I had an ego, and like many, it was called pride and told we needed to be humble, but in those times, humble meant a vow of poverty and apathy about life. I also allowed the devil to steal my good self esteem teaching me to bow down low. That is the way I was taught I could earn the Lord's favor. That was the way we thought at that time.

Funny thing, while I was studying today, the Lord whispered in my ear. He said, "Do you think I would send anyone to teach my children who was unequipped?" My own thoughts seized up for a moment. No, I never thought He would do that, but I can see how the Church has areas where getting an education is not honored. Some even believe that the "anointing" is enough and schooling is not necessary. I disagree. I believe the Lord will open doors for us to have the best training, but I also believe that we are never limited to that education.

Bill Winston continued, "According to Hebrews 11:6, the way I could have pleased God was to use my faith to pay off the note on my sports car, buy the entire apartment building (which was about to be made into condos), and convert my friends by demonstrating this new life in the kingdom. Unfortunately, a sense of unworthiness will not let you think like this. Sin-consciousness won’t allow you to receive big from God, and Satan knows it takes a revelation (not information) to get beyond this barrier."

Revelation of Royalty: "Rediscovering Your Royal Identity in Christ" is a really good book. I love the following statement Bill Winston writes...

"You possess royal privileges, royal perspective, royal demeanor, and royal wealth. You are protected and empowered in every particular way, and you exercise supernatural authority over the earth, just as your Father does. His strength is available to you in every form, in every manner, and in every situation. You are designed to rule, reign, and decree His will in this realm and in the realm of angels and principalities. You are free from the curse, released from all toil, unburdened to soar, prepared to prosper, fashioned to rule, equipped to lead. All of this flows from your royal identity, which can never be changed. It is who you are forever."

❤️Do you know who you are?❤️
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