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God With You At Work

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 4:42 pm
by adminpc
Notes from Andy Mason’s book:

Supernatural provision (Water to wine)
Supernatural finances (Gold in a fish’s mouth)
Multiplication of resources
Power over natural elements
Fish where there were no fish
Power over sickness and evil spirits
Wisdom and poise that completely foils opposition
Foreknowledge of assassination (or hostile takeover) attempts
Walking on water or even walking through a wall!

Go back over that list and think of what that could look like in your business.

What would you give to have a medical facility where people got healed in the waiting room as well as through the surgical process?

What if your security and personal protection company knew ahead of time exactly where and when attempts would be made?

What if your horticultural company didn’t just sell product but also prayed for dead plants that came back to life?

What if your company or department had an employee force with zero annual sick days?

What if your food warehouse restocked itself?

What if every customer who came into contact with your business left full of hope and peace?

What if your construction business was not just known for excellence, but everywhere they built, the surrounding land became more productive?

What if?

Mason, Andy (2014-02-04). God With You at Work (Heaven in Business) (Kindle Locations 905-907). . Kindle Edition.