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Sj: I'm Such A Sap

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:37 am
by adminpc
I’m Such a Sap
Sad to say, but I am a sap. That means I am sappy. Sappy means that I am sentimental. I am not extra sappy... just too sappy for most. I never share my sappy side because it makes me feel weak and less strong. Some laugh. Sometimes, there are some things that are funny. It’s funny that I cry over ‘hallmark type’ movies. No harm there. But the harm comes when others start telling you to toughen up. I can understand a kind hearted ‘piece of advise’ in certian situaltions that call for less sentimentalism, I can do that. I can get really “black and white” with issues also... no problem. But overall, the Lord made a sensitive person for a reason. It’s the world that makes us hard and defensive. It takes more wisdom to stay sensitive and survive than it does to get hard and crusty. You got to start planning stageties and be prepared to avoid certain types of conversations. And, a sappy person can be prone to quickly getting offended. So, one has to make sure they either avoid pitfalls that bring unnecessary offense, or guard against being offended and stay healed in order to avoid bitterness. Opps... bitterness is a whole different story.

I guess I just wish that others could be a little more sensitive towards those around them. It’s our jobs as Christians to measure the enviroment around us and do as Jesus would do. I know He was sensitive to the needs of others. I pray we can be sensitive also.
