Nope, that's not right

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Nope, that's not right

Post by adminpc »

Nope... That’s Not Right

I shared a video to a person showing a physical feat that I thought was outstanding. The first time I saw it, I hardly could believe my eyes, so I looked it up to see if there were other video’s to confirm it’s validity. I found the confirmation and then shared the video. The first thing that person said was “no, that can’t be.” That did not surprize me that she had that kind of reaction, it was much like my own, but what amazed me was the continious explanation of how it was a fake video and could not be true. The reply even began to bring in ‘scienticially impossible’ jabs. I got real tired of hearing how I was believing a fake and that anyone with any kind of common sense would know that it was an impossible adventure.

I could guarentee you that I won’t be sharing any other videos with her. I am sad to say that, but who would? And to add... this is not the first time this is the response i have had. I have shared other videos and received the same response. I don’t know why I tried again, and again.

But, you know what? It actually turns out for my advantage because before I share videos now... I make sure that they are valid and defendable. Yes, I have to ask myself, ‘can I defend their content and sourse?’ It makes me a better person. It keeps me pure and above board.

And yes, I am sure i will share videos with that person again. It will just make me a stronger person and perhaps bless her anyway. Videos are great witnessing tools. :)
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