Sj: Pondering on typhoid Mary

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Sj: Pondering on typhoid Mary

Post by adminpc »

Pondering Typhoid Mary

Do you know the story of Mary Mallon? She was a cook who carried the typhoid fever germs and spead the illness to where ever she worked. Eventually they quarantined her and she spent about 30 years of her life in quarantine. I am sharing the link to the article just to fill you in, but what gets me is that she was a carrier of illness. Can you imagine what it would be like to carry a sickness and infect others? I know we just went through Covid and the whole world went through stages of quarantine, but this was one lady ... all alone. I can't imagine the burden of it, yet, at the same time, she always denied she was a carrier. Maybe her heart was not heavy in grief. I don't know. I do know she had a nervous break down. It must have been terrible to be isolated all those years.

I saw no mention of her having a faith in God. Maybe I missed it. I wish she had been able to seek the Lord in the matter (and I don't know that she didn't) but to be carrying a curse when we should be lights and carrying the blessing.. just ouch! Romans 10:15 says, ... “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” I would much rather have this reputation than one of someone who brings a curse.

And, at the same time, while we are discussing reputations, might we consider what that really entails? Would you think that a good reputation involves people giving you favor? Would you even consider that people give favor to those who have a terrible reputation? It is a crazy thing to me that you can be a dedicated to Christ person and get a 'bad' reputation and yet we are taught (Proverbs) our reputation is above all to be desired. I guess that it is all in who you are asking about someone's reputation. I know a man that did nothing but upset the community everywhere he went. He caused division and separation, made people turn their backs on everything their parents had raised them to believe, and promised them a rose garden in uptopia. His name was Paul. The religious people hated him, and he had a terrible reputation within the jewish community. So, I guess it matters only that we have a good reputation in God's kingdom. (Amen)

What about Paul's tent making business? I am going to say that he had the best tents available and his reputation was excellent, but I bet he lost business because of his reputation as being a rebel. Interesting isn't it? Break tradition and your name becomes worthless (according to the world's standards.) What if we don't listen to their standards? What if we review our reputation according to how the Lord views it? I know that sounds like it makes sense, but we have a tendancy to judge ourselves by what others think of us. Believe me, that can get real messy. If the people giving you the feedback you are basing your value on are filled with egotistic pride and basing their opinion on their own personal standards... then you are never going to measure up. Let me say it this way... if the people around you are always correcting you and trying to tell you how to do something a better way.. like the way they do it.. then over time, you are going to be affected negatively. Over time, too much of this will result in you second guessing everything you do.

So, where is all this pondering comming from? Whether it is Mary Mallon who was named Typhoid Mary, or Paul being called a rebel, or right down to you and I... our reputation that is so important must be first based on what the Lord considers to be a good reputation. I mean seriously, didn't Robin Hood have a good reputation? lol Judge yourselves wisely.
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