Hagin: Falling under the power.

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Hagin: Falling under the power.

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At times in the meetings of John Wesley, founder of Methodism, hundreds of people would “fall under the power,” as it came to be known. I read his account of the first time he ever saw this manifestation. Right in the middle of his sermon, a woman sitting next to the aisle on the front row suddenly pitched out of the pew face forward onto the floor. Wesley thought she had fainted. Stopping his message, he said, “Is there a doctor in the house?”

Three doctors came forward and examined her. “There is something peculiar about this,” they concluded. “It doesn’t seem to be a physical thing. Her heart, her pulse, her respiration are normal, but she seems to be under some kind of power or spell.” At this, a hypnotist asked permission to examine her. “I gave him leave,” the Englishman Wesley wrote. But after trying unsuccessfully to bring her around, the hypnotist said, “I don’t know what this is. It isn’t hypnotism, but it is some kind of spell.” Some of the congregation began to ask, “Is it the devil?” And others asked, “Is it the Lord?” “I don’t know,” Wesley said, “but when she comes out of it, whoever did it will get the glory.”

So they waited. Wesley did not resume his sermon. They just waited. After about 45 minutes, she began to stir. The first thing she said was, “Praise the Lord! Glory to God!” “It’s the Lord! It’s the Lord!” Wesley shouted, and the Lord got the praise for it. When the woman regained her composure, she told them Jesus had appeared to her and had taken her to heaven. She recited all she had seen, and all were blessed and praised God.

Kenneth E Hagin
Plead the Case
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