I'm Not Going To...

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I'm Not Going To...

Post by adminpc »

I’m not going to …

Take the blame for everything anymore …
Be sorry for everything that goes wrong …
Be passive about the will of God for my life …
Seek the approval of man …
Put man above God …
See myself a small and insignificant while exalting others …
Continue to encourage others and forgetting to encourage myself …
Doubt that God can get his point across …
Doubt that God can have his way my life because some man stands in the path …
Say I’m sorry when I didn’t do anything wrong …
Think that God hears others’ prayers before mine …

And I will …

Trust God to hear my prayers of intersession on behalf of others …
Expect great things to happen because I pray …
Trust God to speak through men even when they do not realize it …
Enjoy the things around me …
Believe in the abundant life Jesus promised …
Believe like I believe …
Enjoy the things I like …
Be friendly to everyone but choose the friends I want to be my friends …

And no doubt that there are more changes to be made…

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well…” Psalm 139.14
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