Covenant: Power of the Blood
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:01 pm
Covenant: Power of the Blood
(Author unknown)
The blood is the basis of our warfare and a declaration of our independence in victory from the forces of Satan in the earth.
Stand against the enemy with this declaration:
I am standing on the blood in the name of Jesus Christ and I am telling you now devil that my covenant with God says you will not come near my dwelling. You will not bring sickness or disease near my dwelling. I cast you out in the name of Jesus. I have a covenant in the blood of the lamb. In the name of Jesus Who I serve. I am a servant of the covenant. There is a Messenger of the covenant and his name is Jesus
(Author unknown)
The blood is the basis of our warfare and a declaration of our independence in victory from the forces of Satan in the earth.
Stand against the enemy with this declaration:
I am standing on the blood in the name of Jesus Christ and I am telling you now devil that my covenant with God says you will not come near my dwelling. You will not bring sickness or disease near my dwelling. I cast you out in the name of Jesus. I have a covenant in the blood of the lamb. In the name of Jesus Who I serve. I am a servant of the covenant. There is a Messenger of the covenant and his name is Jesus