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Favor of God

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:11 am
by adminpc
Creflo Dollar and George Pearson

I walk in the favor of God, and this favor produces:

-supernatural increase and protection
-restoration in everything the enemy has stolen from me
-honor in the midst of our adversaries
-increased assets, especially in real estate
-great victories in the midst of great impossibilities
-recognition even when I am the least likely to receive it.
-growth in stature and in favor with God and man


Supernatural provision (Water to wine)
Supernatural finances (Gold in a fish’s mouth)
Multiplication of resources
Power over natural elements
Fish where there were no fish
Power over sickness and evil spirits
Wisdom and poise that completely foils opposition
Foreknowledge of assassination (or hostile takeover) attempts
Walking on water or even walking through a wall!

[Go back over that list and think of what that could look like in your business.]