Boundaries and distractions

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Site Admin
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Boundaries and distractions

Post by adminpc »

It is a nice day outside and we have some expected rain this afternoon. Going too be a nice day.

I started the day off with a you tube sermon by Keith Moore. He was preaching on Psalms 103 and talking about the word "all" ... As in ALL our diseases are healed. All, not some, but all.

So I wanted too underline that verse in my Bible. I sat down at my desk and saw my fish tank filter was needing replaced. So I took a minute to get a new filter. While in the kitchen, my sister walks by talking about fixing the dryer hose. It needed to be attached to the back of the dryer. I envisioned her standing on her head trying to do this on her own, so I went out back into the shed too help her. After that was done, we noticed that there were some small holes in the roof. So we siliconed them. As I was putting the silicone back into the refrigerator, I noticed the trash needed taken out...

Well, after a few more small things were taken care of, I am finally sitting down at my desk with my coffee. Now I am going to underline that verse.

These types of things ever happen to you? What do you do about it? Some things need to be done. We are responsible for them. But, if I Don't put up some boundaries, these "have to get done" things could steal my whole day. Some things I have might need to be taken away, like the fish tank. If it takes up to much of my time, it will have to go. Time will tell. 😁
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