Find The Treasure Inside

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Find The Treasure Inside

Post by adminpc »

Kris Vallotton was talking about finding the treasure in people instead of their sin. (I Cor 14:25- 'secrets of his heart revealed') Kris says these "secrets" are the "treasures" in the person's heart that God placed them.

To reveal a person's sins only makes them want to stay away. I had always looked at that verse as seeing the negative... their sins. Also, the verse in the gospel that says there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. That one always scared me.

Are you wondering what I was hiding that made me fearful it would be revealed? I would tell you that we all have things we don't want shared. All of us. And even though I wish we could reach perfection, I dont believe we will ever want to share ALL our thoughts. Some we keep hidden and repent for them.

Anyway, isn't it a great thought to think that the Holy Spirit wouldn't only reveal the negative things, but would reveal the beautiful things God has put inside each of us.

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