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Lord, vindicate me

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:49 pm
by adminpc
Lord, Vindicate Me

Psalms 7:8-10
You are the Exalted One who judges the people, so vindicate me publicly and restore my honor and integrity.
Before all the people declare me innocent.

Once and for all, end the evil tactics of the wicked! Reward and prosper the cause of the righteous,
for you are the righteous God, the soul searcher, who looks deep into every heart to examine the thoughts and motives.

God, your wrap-around presence
is my protection and my defense.
You bring victory to all who reach out for you.▪️

Vindicate Me

King David spent many of his years under great persecution from his enemies, both within his Kingdom, and outside.

I respect his prayer for vindication, but for many years, I could not pray for my own vindication. My heart was totally focused on helping people, not getting revenge. That is how I understood King David's prayers like this one in Ps. 7: 8-10.

After many years now, I can see that my perspective was totally off. I thought my praying for vindication meant great harm upon others. This is not so. You can't pray harm over another if the Heart of Jesus is alive and well within you. Now that I know more, I am very open to talking to God Almighty restoring my honor and integrity.

I am not after "vindication," but after my own personal freedom from oppression. The saint must be free to feel, free to think with a clear mind, and free from demonic hindrances that come through ignorant
people, even our own brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Only with eyes wide open and with the skill of a surgeon in prayer can we effectively set the captives free.


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