In a Hundred Years...

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In a Hundred Years...

Post by adminpc »

Long ago, even while I was a child, I heard the statement, "What is it going to matter in 100 years except that they know Jesus, our Lord as savior?" It made a great impact on me. I like to refer back to that statement during the day when I meet someone, either dealing with work, or even while shopping. What impact is my meeting them here and now going to play in a hundred years.

It is so easy to get tangled up in small issues that drag you down and draw you attention away from the eternal issues. That is not to say that things here and now are not important. Did we forget a birthday and break a heart? Did we, in our 'heavenly minded' state of mind forget to smile at the stranger who caught our eyes while pumping gas? We must allow the love of God to flow through our lives daily, and yet, remain fixed on the larger issues. What is it going to matter in a hundred years?

If we can lift our thoughts higher than the everyday issues, higher than ourselves and the things we need to happen, and if we can know that in just a few years there are going to be so many things that happen all around us that just will not matter, then we can get a lot of the burdens off of our backs.

About a week ago during prayer, I had a very simple and colorful vision of the sun rise. I saw the first rays of the sun streak across the horizon. They were those golden rays that break out just before the sun rises. So, why a vision of the sun rise when we can see the sun rise every morning? Because I knew what the Lord was saying to me. The light of His soon return is breaking across the horizon even as we read this post. The faithful are going to see things in their lives they have desired to see for years. We are going to see His great arm stretch out across the world and begin the final working before He returns and snatches us up to be with Him. And knowing that His Bride, (that's you and I,) is going to go out in brilliance before the darkness on earth begins it's darkest days, let us not become entangled in the small things, but keep our eyes fixed on the horizon. Jesus will be here soon.

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