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Jennifer Leclaire: I don't like her?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 4:23 pm
by adminpc
I don’t like Jennifer LeClaire. She didn’t do anything, but I don’t like her. She is a good teacher/preacher/prophet, but makes me face things I would rather ignore.

She will blame the enemy while I perfer to blame science.
She will cast out of demon when I would rather hand out medicine.
She will blame the enemy of an illness, when I would rather serve hot soup and crackers.

She is experienced, mature, and covered by other respected ministers.
She teaches a lot about spiritual warfare, and I would rather not…

I had a sand box that I would hide my head in when I discerned the enemy was around. No one wants to hear about a supernatural spirit bringing harm and destruction, and I did not want to know about it, much less share it with anyone. You could almost hear the chant before you open you mouth… “You’re seeing a demon under every rock. Where is the glory of Jesus?” Blah blah…

The Lord did not allow me to keep my sand box.
Jennifer LeClaire must have gotten rid of hers also, if she ever had one.

So, what about you?
Do you have a sandbox?
Where’s your head?

I’ll be sharing more of Jennifer’s materials, along with other warriors.

Lord, teach our hands to war…⚔️

I really do like Jennifer. She is a great blessing in my life.
She has a lot of books.. check her out.
