What are “heavenly places”?
This is not referring to heaven, God’s home, but to the invisible atmosphere all around us. We must understand this relatively unknown dimension in order to fully partner with God and experience the fullness of His blessing. This is the unseen realm of the spirit—invisible yet real, hidden yet very active.
Much of what happens on earth is influenced by it; certainly anything of eternal significance or regulating the destinies of people and nations is controlled within it. Most people, including Christians, give little thought to the unseen world governing the one we see.
Many, especially in cultures that emphasize higher education
and intellectualism, are actually cynical of this arena. But the
Bible is filled with descriptions and accounts of it—in fact, this is the story of Scripture. Apart from it, there is no God, Satan, angels, demons, fall of humankind, birth of Christ, redemption through the cross, miracles, or resurrection of the dead. Yet again, surprisingly, most American Christians live their lives without weighing how much this realm affects us, let alone how we can influence it.
Here is a significant truth: The more we learn to function in the invisible spiritual realm, recognizing and applying its
governing principles, the more we can partner with God, positively impact our world, avoid the snares and influence of the evil one, and enjoy the blessings of our salvation.
Dutch Sheets