Conditioned Aging

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Conditioned Aging

Post by adminpc »

Aging: As a man thinks, so he is …

When you get to looking in a mirror and you become your own God, telling yourself about how you would’ve done things differently and wish you were young again.

When you whisper to yourself about how much you look like your parents (when they were older of course), your paradigm shifts, that’s your worldview, and your youthful vigor leaves. Dismay and self acceptance of ‘being old’ begins to settle into your heart. The vision of the ministry you have dreamed of beginning begins to wane. You begin to notice your bones getting stiff. You begin to think that if you want to stay young you going to have to get to bed early. You begin to think about what you’re eating and make sure it is healthy food only, because if you don’t, your system might not work right but … of course that just ‘comes with age.’ You know you have youth and vigor, but that comes after you’ve had several cups of coffee and only last for about an hour, so you become very wise with how you spend your energy and time.

I could write more, but it is hard to really put my finger on one specific thing… Except that your faith diminishes. It seems like the only thing mounting up like the wings of an eagle are your wrinkles. Lol

Is time to turn around and grow younger, look younger, act and feel younger… And it is time to do it in faith. Do it for the glory of the Lord.

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