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Wommack: Stop Expecting Sickness

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:37 pm
by adminpc
Andrew Wommack:

Most people do not let the Word of God get in the way of what they believe. They think that's the way it's always been in their family, so that's the way it's going to be. We need to change the way we believe.

Many of us believe like this in so many subtle ways that we don't even recognize it. For instance, a lot of ladies have been taught that for two to six days of the month, they are justified in acting like the devil. God didn't create women to be that way, but they have bought into an ungodly standard. If they believe that's the way it has to be, Satan will accommodate them.

Jamie used to have "female" problems when she was young, but she believed God for healing and overcame all of that. She went through menopause and didn't fall apart like a $2 suitcase or have to take hormone replacement therapy or anything else. She walked through this season supernaturally. Yet, many women believe that menopause has to be miserable and that they have to experience all of its symptoms-but who says so? We have been trained in the natural way, so we accept living at a low standard, believing that we have to get sick, get the flu, get headaches, or that we can't live without any pain.

I don't have any pain in my body, and I'm over sixty years old. I've been sick one time in forty-plus years and that was due to my own stupidity. I had ministered forty-one times in one week and forty-two times the next week, and I became so tired I had to literally crawl into bed. I stayed in bed one day to recuperate and then went out the next day and cut a cord of wood. It was too much too soon, and I got sick. You can chalk that up to stupidity! That's the only time I've been sick. I don't believe in getting sick. I don't take sickness. Some of you think you can't live that way, but don't wake me up because that's the way I'm living.

When you expect sickness, you limit God.

If you are sick, you don't have to find out everything about your sickness. Don't focus on the sickness; focus on what God's Word says. His Word says that all things are possible to him who believes. You should be speaking the Word to yourself concerning healing. Put scriptures somewhere that you can see them often and focus on them. But instead of focusing on God's Word, most of us limit God by being plugged into the world and being concerned about what's going on in everyone else's life.