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Rick Renner: No prophecy of Private Interpretation…

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:01 am
by adminpc
Rick Renner Shares:

“...That no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation” (2 Peter 1:20).

Now, there are a number of people who believe this verse means we should never interpret one verse all by itself. Instead, we should always compare a verse with other verses to arrive at correct scriptural conclusions. Although this is a true and advisable principle when studying Scripture, it is not Peter’s primary focus. In this verse, Peter is not talking about biblical interpretation. He is telling his readers how prophetic ministry operates.

The fact is, when you look at this verse in the original Greek, it’s quite different than how it reads in the King James Version. When Peter said, “...No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation,” the words “private interpretation” are a translation of the Greek word epilusis, which is a compound of the Greek words epi and luo. The preposition
epi means upon, and luo means to loose, to set free, or to release. When compounded to form the word epilusis, it depicts a loosing or releasing that occurs at one’s will. Hence, the words “of any private interpretation” depict something that is loosed or released by one’s own self — at will. Thus, it pictures something that is self-loosed, self-produced, self-propelled, or self-generated.

Taking into account the original Greek meaning, here is the Renner Interpretive Version (RIV) of Second Peter 1:20:

“You need to categorically know this and never forget what I’m about to tell you about true prophetic utterances. First, foremost, and above all else, you need to know and never forget that, emphatically, no prophecy of the Scripture is self-loosed, self-produced, self-propelled, or self-generated by one’s own mere will.”

Grab hold of this truth because it is a profoundly important scripture regarding how real prophetic ministry does not operate. Essentially, Peter is saying genuine prophecy is not self-produced, not self-willed, and not self-projected. True prophets don’t have the power to freely loose some- thing at their own will. They are directed by the Spirit of God and Him alone.✍️