bible translations: Jesus appeared to Luke

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bible translations: Jesus appeared to Luke

Post by adminpc »

Bible Translations and Spitting Nails

I don't like to "spit nails," but I do some times. In case you dont know what spitting nails means, it means to get upset and start fussing.

Well, I fussed this morning at my bible translation, and then I fussed at all our forefathers who translated the Bible for us. I caught myself fussing at them asking why they couldn't just write down the true definition of a word. I feel like they just wanted to play it safe and keep people in the dark
about just how supernatural the Christian life is.

The scripture and translation that got my goat this morning was a simple
verse in the Book of Luke I the Passion Translation:

Luke 1:3
It is appropriate for me to write this, for he also appeared to me so that I would reassure you beyond any shadow of a doubt the reliability of all you have been taught of him.

Jesus appeared to Luke? I have never heard about this before. So, I looked it up in old trusty King James...

Luke 1:3 KJV
It seemed good to me also, having had perfect (gk0199) understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus...

The key words here are: perfect understanding... Luke is saying he has perfect understanding. The Passion bible said Jesus appeared to him, thus giving him perfect understanding.

Well, I had to have a witness on this. i've never heard Luke had an encounter with Jesus. So I looked it up the commentaries.

🔹Passion Commentary:

e 1:1–4 Translated literally from the Aramaic text. The Greek text uses the same term for “coming from above” found in John 3:31 and 19:11. Luke is revealing that the Lord Jesus appeared to him and authorized him to compile his inspired Gospel.

🔹Dake Commentary:
Notes For Verse 3
a [also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee] I will also write because I have the truth of all things about Christ.

b [from the very first] Fourfold source of information:

Eyewitnesses (Lk. 1:2)
Ministers of the Word (Lk. 1:2) Firsthand knowledge (Lk. 1:3)
From above. The Greek word translated "from the very first" is anothen (G509), "from above" (Jn. 3:3,7,31; 19:11,23), implying inspiration as well as accuracy (2Tim. 3:16).

🔹Matthew Henry Commentary:

He could therefore say that he had a perfect understanding of these things. He knew them, ἀκριβω̂ς - (gk0199)accurately, exactly. "Now, having received this from above, it seemed good to me to communicate it;" for such a talent as this ought not to be buried.

So why did I get all upset? Because as I was reading it I thought about how if the Lord would appear to Luke, which I had never heard of happening, why couldn't He just as well appear to you and I? I also was curious as to why I'd never heard of it before.

Well anyway... this is not the first time I've run into this kind of thing with the passion translation… But I am excited about finding more and learning more.

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