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George Muller: Hearing God

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:12 pm
by adminpc
Hearing God
George Muller

To ascertain the Lord's will we ought to use scriptural means. Prayer, the word of God, and His Spirit should be united together. We should go to the Lord repeatedly in prayer,
and ask Him to teach us by His Spirit through His word. I say, by His Spirit through His
word. For if we should think that His Spirit led us to do so and so, because certain facts are so and so, and yet His word is opposed to the step which we are going to take, we
should be deceiving ourselves.

For instance: A brother in business thinks he ought to leave the house in which he lives, because it is not in a good situation. He wishes to know the Lord's mind, as he says, and
prays about the matter. After a few days, unexpectedly, a house is offered to him without
seeking after it, in a much better situation. The house is very suitable, as he thinks; the
rent very moderate; and moreover the person who offers him the house tells him, that, because he is a believer he will let him have it at this cheap rent. There is, however, this
scriptural objection in the way. If he goes into this house, he must carry on so large a
business, to cover his expenses, that his time will be so occupied as to encroach upon
those hours, which ought to be devoted to his spiritual interests. Now the scriptural way
of deciding would be this: No situation, no business will be given to me by God, in which I have not time enough to care about my soul (Matthew vi. 33).

Therefore, however
outward circumstances may appear, it can only be considered as permitted of God, to prove the genuineness of my love, faith, and obedience, but by no means as the leading of His providence to induce me to act contrary to His revealed will.