Linda Shared… Charismatic witchcraft example

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Linda Shared… Charismatic witchcraft example

Post by adminpc »

This is from an old email sent to me by a dear sister in the Lord. She was responding to a post about charismatic witchcraft. Since it was an open forum, I don’t believe she will have a problem with me sharing this here.

Linda shared:

I haven't heard the term Charismatic witchcraft but once before. I listened to a tape on this subject back in the 80s. I still remember an example on that tape of a lady praying at the altar that her friend's business would fail. The pastor overheard her and asked why she was praying this and she responded that since her friend had the business she had no time for her. The pastor suggested for her to pray that the business would succeed and prosper so that she can hire someone so she had more time off. I always thought if someone is forcing their will or controlling in prayer it is no better than witchcraft. There is too much praying from the soul. We need to ask the Lord's heart and perspective or at least pray His Word or in the Spirit.

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