As Sorrowful, yet rejoicing

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As Sorrowful, yet rejoicing

Post by adminpc »

As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing...
II Cor 6:10

I listened to Kris Vallotton this am for morning devotions and he shared about the time he was afflicted with depression. He was sharing how he had sort of taken on the world as his own personal responsibility and wore himself out. This opened the door for the enemy to attack him with a deep depression that rendered him sofa bound. That is where he spent all his time.
As he was coming out of this dark night of his life, Jesus told him that he could not save the world. I believe we all need to hear this because one way or another, I know we are taking it on as our responsibility to be little saviors to those around us. I know I do.

I know we are saddened, sorrowful, when we see our loved ones do things that are not good for them. We want them to rise up and follow Jesus as good soldiers and reap all the good things that faith can bring, but when they don’t... we are sorrowful.

We watch the news and see the awful things that happen everyday. Day after day our hearts are again blasted with saddness... we are sorrowful.

Gee, sometimes we rent a funny movie just to sit down and watch something happy, but if we are not super careful... it reveals ugly stuff and can’t watch it.

Bible studies are too short..
Sundays too far apart...
bed time comes to early...
Monday too fast..
Friends too busy...

We are sorrowful..

But... here it comes... wait for it...

we are sorrowful, yet always rejoicing.
WE got this..
We can do it..
Rejoice inspite of it all...
See past it all...

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