Ann Wanjiku: Intercession

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Ann Wanjiku: Intercession

Post by adminpc »

▪️Work in a Team
▪️That heart ache might not be yours

Ann Wanjiku: Intercession

People called into the ministry of intercession as their dominant area of function will often have a sphere around which they have a recurring burden.

By continually carrying this burden in the Holy Ghost, they are so to speak, hovering and incubating over those people, issues and territories, travailing until the purposes of God are done within them.

Thus, they become gatekeepers over those spheres, guarding them from demonic attack and demonic interference of what God is doing.

This means they will often sense what God is doing, what the enemy is doing and what is going on within the people they are praying for. They will often sense what is happening by feeling or experiencing it within their own spirits, souls and bodies.

It can become very intense and overwhelming. If the enemy is attacking using anger and offense, they may find themselves battling with it and may not immediately understand that it is not a personal battle.

But with time, and as they continue waiting on the Lord, He helps them distinguish between a personal battle an one which has come because they are standing in the gap for others.

If the people in the sphere they have been given are battling with sickness, threat of premature death, lust or impatience, they will sometimes sense it as though they are the ones struggling with it.

If they are passing through a territory and begin to pick up burdens concerning it, they may start experiencing headaches and other physical symptoms because they have come into a territory that maybe has a witchcraft covering over it or other demonic powers.

They will often feel so many things at the same time, pick up so many things in the atmosphere at the same time and may not be able to process it or understand it fully. It takes time, training, and a growth process...and most often not an easy one.

Apart from this complexity, because they are gatekeepers and are always carrying the burdens of others in prayer, the enemy would desire to get them out of the way first so that others are exposed to attack.

This means that intercessors need a lot of training, grounding in scripture, and protection. They need to be accountable to someone and to have other people around them as well, who know who they are and who also pray for them.

Many intercessors prefer to be alone with God than out there with people. But while this is an integral characteristic of their ministry, they also need to be in community and work in teams. Two are better than one, for security and ease of burden. One can chase a thousand - two can chase 10,000..
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