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Soul Ties

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:30 pm
by adminpc
Notes From:
Above and Beyond Deliverance Ministry
Ungodly Soul Ties #1
30 mins long

"Open door "is a legal right the
enemy has to attack people.
Some of these "open doors are generation curses, sexual sins, trauma, cult activity and more.
Demons can not just "jump" on you.
Christians can be oppressed.
We pray for believers to be set free.
MK 16 - they shall cast out demons.
Soul tie = a type of bonding, it can be a good bonding or an ungoddly bonding
Example in Scripture: Jonathan and David - their hearts were Knited together in love

Jacob and Benjamin..he loved
all his sons, but Ben most

Husband, wife, children, good friends can be good soul ties.

Second Type - Ungoddly
Start w/ control and manipulation such as a controlling husband or wife.

Any soul tie that makes you feel angry, ashamed, insecure... Scripture = Prov 22:24, 25 your soul will be ensnared

They use guilt or fear

- Bullied children can have open
doors, example of a child oppressed with the spirit of murder

The boy went from being a
little prayer warrior to threatening to kill his 2 year old little
brother with a knife.

The little boy started choking when they began casting out the demon. It turned out that the bully who was Tormenting the little boy had put his hands around his neck to choke him. The little boy was delivered.

The same thing can happen with adults. One person
with a spirit of addiction had to break soul ties to get free.

Got to go back to "who got you into it."

Sexual sin outside covenant of marriage. If you sleep with a person who is oppressed or
possessed with a spirit of manic depression, you can receive that spirit, or any other spirit that is resident in that sexual partner's soul.
(Dont join yourself to prostitutes where two become one flesh.)

Spirits transfer.
I Cor 6:16 -two become one flesh (Tape at 16:44)

Process to deliverance:

I break every soul tie with_ (say that name out loud.. a disconnect in the spiritual realm)

The person does not have to be alive. The soul tie is in the spiritual realm and even though the person may have died, the connect is still there until it is broken by declaration.

How do you keep that ungoddly soul tie broken if it is a spouce, family, or friend type situation. The answer is in setting boundaries. Walk in love, but establish boundaries. You are not going to be walked on anymore.

Some times it means you have to stay away from them, but other times you can’t stay away.
You can break a soul tie every night if you have to. It is not always a one time thing.

1. If someone is not ready to break a soul tie, then don’t pray for deliverance until they are ready to break it.
2. You can be free from these soul ties, break condemnation, and be renewed by the Blood of Jesus.

Lesson One:

Re: Soul Ties

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:31 pm
by adminpc