Jennifer LeClaire: Angels on assignment again…

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Jennifer LeClaire: Angels on assignment again…

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What I saw was something darker than the blackest shade of black lunge toward me with vicious force. It scared me half to death…and I screamed. My body flew to the back of the tent. Then I froze. Speechless. Finally, I managed to utter one word… “Bear…”

My friend didn’t believe me. She decided to take a look for herself. I feared for her life, but was still frozen like an ice sculpture, so I watched in silent terror as she looked out the tent doors. I was sure she had sealed her fate. She stuck her head out for what seemed like an eternity when suddenly I heard her exclaim, “Wow! Wow! Wow!” Somewhat annoyed, I said, “What?” Her only response: “Wow!” Especially annoyed at this point, I replied, “What?!”

She then informed me that there were giant angels, one on either side of the tent, with swords drawn. They were protecting us. They were angels of protection. God had opened her eyes and allowed her to see in the spirit realm. What I had seen, I later learned, was a spirit of fear. I felt like I got the short end of that supernatural stick. After all, it was her fault that we needed angelic protection from bears and fear demons in the first place!

Over the years, I’ve come to understand that angels are all around us. There are more angels than there are demons—only one-third of the angels followed Lucifer in his insurrection.

The angels are innumerable (Hebrews 12:22). Angels accomplish many different tasks as part of their ministry to the heirs of salvation—and they excel in strength to do God’s will (Psalm 103:20). Angels are more active in our lives—and in the world—than we can imagine. Indeed, if we only knew.

And angelic activity is increasing...

(Jennifer LeClaire,
Angels on Assignment Again)
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