Jezebel Affects...

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Jezebel Affects...

Post by adminpc »

Jezebel' Affects ...
There for awhile I read all the books on that spirit. And when people would share in an article or post, I would pay close attention. They would say things like how being under the influence of this spirit would make them tired and weak. I could understand and agree with them. That statement would answer my question why I got so tired when certain people come into an area where I am. We're talking about dizzy tired. We're talking about being able to sleep for days, and I have slept for days.

Another common question that people ask when being afflicted by the jezebel spirit is they would ask themselves, "Why does this one person have so much power?" It would be like 10 people causing problems but only one stands out as being very much a problem. There is an illogical 'problem and influence' that does not make sense to the mind. That is because the spirit is affecting your spirit. But our minds are asking how one person can have so much influence.

Fear is one of the fruits. You get nervous about offending someone.

You second-guess everything you hear from God.

It becomes too hard to continue to fight for God.

Do you want so much to quit, but you can't quit on God. But if you could just go lay down for a few minutes and hide your head you'd be happy.

The spirit affects people around it and without their knowledge they play into the game and are used to attack you.

A person is perceived as being a queen, not only in their own eyes, but the fruit and actions of the people around them begin to treat this person hosting the spirit as if they are a king or queen. Sometimes they don't even realize it.

I realize it is a spirit, and is using a human being. It uses Christians, and people we are hesitant about rebuking, (often in the role of some type of authority.) It gets to get something on you ... such as a church relationship, or your employer that can fire you. A family relationship that could really mess things up for you like a grandmother telling every member of the family at a reunion what a creep you are... and the most weird thing about that kind of attack is that none of the family members will email you or text you and ask you if it's the truth or not. They blindly except it and begin shutting you out. It is amazing and incredible.

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In a setting where there are issues being discussed needing to be answered, a lot of confusion happens. When it's really thick and the spirit is strong, people forget what they agreed upon last time.

The spirit steals confidence. Bold statements from the Lord or answers given to help situations are ignored or belittled.

The spirit hates the prophetic and despises the Prophet. The spirit will actually stop at nothing in order to silence the voice of God through his servants.

This Spirit will accuse a faithful Christian of being a destroyer, a cult member, or accuse the faithful Christian of being stupid and then confirm it with logic.

The Spirit brings great discouragement to a faithful servant of God.

The spirit is almost like a snake... leaving it alone but only means a false peace. Challenging the spirit is like getting bit by a viper latches on to you with the intent to destroy you and you feel the poison filtering through your body soul and spirit.

I could go on but I'll stop here.

Through the Bible and the story of Elijah, you can witness the incredible power of the Spirit on a powerful man of God after a great victory in the Lord. Elijah just sat down and wanted to die.

▪️ Get some help if you are dealing with this Spirit. Get someone you trust and that will encouraged you.

Never fight demons in the closet alone!

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