You are not too old…

Genesis 6:3
Then the Lord said, My Spirit shall not forever dwell and strive with man, for he also is flesh; but his days shall yet be 120 years.
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You are not too old…

Post by adminpc »

You Are Not Too Old

I saved this post from years ago because it struck a chord in my heart about getting old. I was beginning to see how the world conditions people to look and act old. It's a huge conspiracy. Yes, I said conspiracy.

I read this article with just thought in mind of how important you are to the kingdom of God and it's children here on earth. Do not fall for lies that render you ineffective in the kingdom of God just because the number of years you have lived are increasing. Each year is a magnified blessing to those listen to the wisdom God has taught you.

▪️From the desk of Peter Tan (2009)▪️

Age does not count: If we continue on in the Lord, fasting and praying, building up in the
Spiritual realm, people will see the 'wow' and know that it is God.

God uses imperfect people.

We have to see where we stand, as Paul understood, that he was the chiefest of sinners, yet at the same time, able to say he was an apostle of God.

It does not matter if you have made a thousand mistakes, or if you think your life is finished. It does not matter if other people think your life is finished.

As long as you got breath, as long as you got strength, and you use that last ounce of strength to turn to God in fasting and prayer... God, who sees all things from above, and will work all things for good to those who love Him and are called to His purpose.

As the revival approaches, that the Lord will be calling more and more people to prayer and fasting, because changes in the world are happening faster and faster.

It does not matter what kind of life you have been through, nor the kinds of mistakes you have made...
mistakes in relationships
mistakes in business,
or mistakes in ministry..
it does not matter.
Even mistakes that can not be undone,
nor mistakes that you can not turn back and fix.

A lot of people have given up, living only a half life, just waiting for their lives to end...
having lost their dreams.. and just living and waiting for their lives to end.
They have lost all their vision and their desires. There are a lot of people like that.

There is hope. It starts with fasting and prayer.

You never realize that age does not count. Some of you say, "Wow, I am sixty five, and my life is nearly over, what can I do?"
Age does not count.
Moses started at 80...
Abraham at 75..
Paul started at 40 or 50.
Age does not count.
Skill, knowledge are good but not necessary, because God can equip you and anoint you.
Is this true? Yes.

He took fishermen and made them apostles and sent them to the educated men. He took an educated man, Paul, and sent him to the uneducated barbarians, just to show us it is not 'our' ability.

Your past does not count.
Paul says in Philippians to forget those things behind and press forward.
There will always be people thinking about the past. They will be in the past, trying to redo the past, or to regain the past. They are either trying to regain their past glory, or redo their past. The past does not count.
It is your present and future that counts.
Your life is not over.

The best wine is always kept for the last..
Sister mary is 64, and her ministry is just beginning. [Sister Mary is a lady in the congregation and Ps Peter sees that God is going to use her in prophetic ways and in teaching... and in preaching]
She is just beginning.
Your life is not over.
The devil tells you that your life is over.
Some of you could be in the business world... you look at your life and say, "Can I still go on?"
Yes, because God still has His destiny for you.

Ronald Reagan was 70 when he became president to the United States.
The time was one of the most important periods as it was dealing with Russia and the cold war during these days.
Ronald Reagan died at 93, but look at his life. From our perspective, his greatest contribution to life was when he was president at 70 years old.
As long as life is not over yet, great things can still happen.

Look at Anna the prophetess.
She lived a praying and fasting life.
Look at Simeon's life, the greatest blessing of his life came to him at the end. All
circumstances in the future, except those predestined by God, are still wet cement....
The cement is not dry yet.

Don't let the world judge your life and tell you that your life is over.
Or tell you that you will always be like that ...
that you can not amount to something more ...
Do not let the world tell you these things, because the cement is not dry yet, in fact, the cement is not even poured and mixed in water yet.

Fasting and prayer can release a powerful
force into the future that will erase circumstances such that you realize that the glory is ahead.

The best wine saved for last.
Do not be satisfied with the present, be content, but not satisfied.
Don't be hindered by your past, whether it be success or failure.▪️
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