What if...

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What if...

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A Healing Question for Those Who Do Not Believe In It

It is hard for me to accept that all physical healing is the work of the devil when the Name of Jesus is adorned and glorified. I do believe that some of the "reported" healings are the devil's work and they are meant to deceive and draw people away from Jesus Christ. You can tell the difference by the fruit. The healings by the Holy Spirit changes lives and gives us a greater understanding of our Father in Heaven.
I want to place before you some questions. I want to state them as "what if" questions. What if Jesus heals today? What if Jesus uses His ministers to lay hands on the sick and they recover ... today? What if Jesus desires to use your hands to heal the sick? What if, in our traditional understanding of what we are taught scriptures say, we are being denied the beauty and joy of someone's healing? What if those healing ministers are right?

How many of you are taught by your pastor to search the scriptures on your own? Heard him ever say that? Something like, "Don't leave all to me, go home, study them for yourselves." I ask you, have you left the topic of healing to him also? Have you heard someone say something about Benny Hinn, or Oral Roberts and just nod your head without ever checking into it yourself? What are you nodding you head about? Is the conversation you are partaking in comparing scripture with scripture or just someone's opinion? What if you are nodding your head and in reality, healing is for real? And better yet, what if when you meet the Lord, He asks you why you did not lay hands on the sick so they could recover? The first thing you have to do is check it out for yourself. Anyone can write an article for or against healing and even support it with scripture. But what is the truth?

I want to address just a few interesting subjects dealing with physical healing. These are things I learned in my walk with the Lord. I know they are true. I just find it hard to believe that the Lord has had a bigger skeptic than myself, but I started out with a desire to really know the answer, even if He had to take a two-by-four to my head to help me see. He never did, but He was patient and faithful. He wants us to know the truth. He promises that those who diligently seek Him shall find Him.

I want you to know also that I am not talking just "book talk." I am living what I am sharing with you. If I can, so can you. We are all special to Jesus. There are four of us in this home, my sister-in-law, my two nephews ages 7 and 9, and myself. We have walked daily in His divine health, all glory to Jesus, for the past eight years. I personally have been injured twice this past year with work related incidents, but have been totally restored within 48 hours. The boys' friends all get the flu and have to stay in from playing, not these boys.

I was first introduced to the topic of healing when I was young, so I never built up a solid wall against it. Even when I was hiding from the charismatic movement by staying involved a "fundamentalist" denomination, I always had ears to hear someone who would speak about the topic of healing. I stayed in the fundamentalist denomination long enough to pick up the lingo and speak against "healing ministers" such as Benny Hinn. I would say, "turn that off, he is too showy." But, somehow, the Lord got through to me and now here I am writing and teaching on the subject. When Jesus said, "...you shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover...," He was not kidding. He also said that we shall do greater things than He did because He has left to go to the Father. All of this is going on out in the world. Many are being saved, and many are being healed. My point is this, if this is real, if this is of God, then don't we want a part of it?

The gift of Healing is an anointing of the Holy Spirit. Ever hear of anyone going down to the movie theater and being healed? How about a high school football game? The Holy Spirit is there isn't He? Yes, but people don't report they are healed ... sacked maybe, even rushed to the hospital if the football injury is serious. The thing is, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is not there in that place...

Let me explain "anointing."

It took me a lot of work to find out what they meant by the word "anointing." I read scripture, I picked up every book I could find, and finally got desperate and started e-mailing churches on the web that talked about it in their literature. One of the ministers at the Brownsville revival in Pensacola, Florida wrote me back (bless him). He said, "The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the manifest Presence of God in a tangible way." I read Benny Hinn's book, "Good Morning, Holy Spirit" and picked up a few more things from him. Still, all this was strange to me. I did find there seems to be one common denominator between those who are anointed. Each, at one point in time, stopped and asked the Holy Spirit to make Himself real in their lives. Oh, I know in my heart that He loves that request. Anyway, healing comes in His anointing, or as you would, in His presence. His Presence is a relationship with Him.

"But," you might be saying, "the Holy Spirit is in every Christian everywhere. "Yes, this is true. Let me ask you this. Was the Holy Spirit with Jesus when Jesus was a child? He wasn't healing anyone then. Read Acts 10:38. It says that our Father anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power. Healing comes through the power of God to do His will. Jesus was baptized before the trip into the wilderness, and then He was empowered when He came out. Then He began His ministry. Later, our Lord said to His disciples to go and do the same thing He did.

Are you sure that the miracles stopped with the Twelve? Or even with the 120 that were in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost? Acts chapter three tells how the promise of Jesus is for them and for us. I wish I could sit you down and persuade you to change your mind about healing. But, I can't do that. I am more than willing to help, but, understanding healing is something that is going to have to be between you and the Lord.

I understand the hesitancy of many people to investigate the topic. Do you know that many who do investigate and decide it is for real and for today are kicked out of their churches? For real! It does not matter their age, their faithfulness to the church over the years, or the position they hold ... many churches just will not even hear the topic nor tolerate it.

It's not so bad "proving things." That is where it all began with me.

I asked Him to make Himself real to me. If I had known Him like I do now, I would have known that His face lit up like a light when I ask Him that. But, I did not know Him very well then. There are a lot of questions out there in the world about healing. Believe it or not, most of the questions are from outside of the Body of Christ. Too many Christians are already settled in their own understanding. There are also answers outside of the Body, and they do not come from our Lord.

I hope you will pursue the topic of healing further. I can tell you this, when you face the Lord, you will have to answer for your actions. If you do not believe healing is for today, and you are correct ... then He will say "Well Done." But if the Lord is healing people today, telling Him you missed it because someone said "such and such" will not bring His pleasure.

If I could give you anything, I would want to give you the eyes of a person whom our Lord Jesus has just healed. I would want to give you the joy of that person's heart. I would want to give you the ears of their friends burning with the testimony. I plead to you, check it out. Start with Heaven. His ear waits to hear you ask Him.

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