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Osbourne: Why Aren't More Healed

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:01 pm
by adminpc
FAITH COMES by hearing the word of God.]

Faith is never derived through sympathy. Faith never comes through discussing with people their pains and aches, weaknesses and sicknesses. Faith is born when we hear the word of truth.

Jesus said: You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make You free. He is the truth.
If we want to see people delivered from the bondage of disease, we must teach them the part of God's word that sets them free from disease. The truth is: Christ wills every person (you) to be healed, or He would not have taken the stripes by which you were healed.
Then one may ask, "Why do not more get healed?"
The answer: Because of the lack of teaching and preaching the Bible truth of healing.
Let us not stand by the bed of sick people to sympathize with their pains. Let us never insinuate that it must be God's will to "take them"; or that "it will teach them patience"; or that perhaps, "they will be drawn closer to the Lord" through their sickness.
Let us rather declare war on every form of sickness, and take authority over every form of demon power through the name of Jesus Christ. Let us minister deliverance to those in need of healing.

T. L. Osborne